Prophecies Abound

Ever since the world was created, prophecies have guided the human race. Some have come true, some have not. I want to explore why some of them have not come to fruition. God in His infinite mercy has spoken through the prophets regarding His love. God’s love comes with certain expectations from His children. We are to obey Him, follow the law, and only worship Him.

When Adam and Eve fell from the Garden of Eden, we lost our place with God. We remained His children, but we lost eternal life due to their sin. That is why Jesus Christ was sent from God to redeem us. Christ opened the gates of heaven for all of us. But, it is not a guarantee to get into heaven. We must still follow the law. Not the old law, but the new law Jesus gave to us.

As Jesus said, “I do not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.” Christianity was born. The Apostles spread the faith over the world. For centuries the Christian Faith grew and spread. Many great things came from it. And this went on until the days when man decided he didn’t need God.

Those we depended on to defend the church and to teach us the faith began to fight the faith. The Reformation came about. Christianity no longer referred to Catholics, but to all those who professed to believe in the scriptures and in Jesus Christ. The Catholic-Christian began to be despised. I will point out at this point brothers, sisters, priests, bishops, and even the popes are human beings. They are sinners. Christ knows this. We are given examples of it in the scripture. Look how Peter denied Christ. Look how the Apostles hid during Christ’s crucifixion. But, Christ did not change the faith. He stood firm in His teachings preaching repentance.

Many prophecies are occurring these days. So many men and women are receiving news about what upcoming events mean. The eclipse coming this April 8th, the Feast of the Annunciation, will cross over where the last one passed to create a cross (X). It will also begin in Texas over a city called Jonah and pass over several other cities named Nineva. This brings to mind the prophecies of Jonah that Nineva would be destroyed if Nineva didn’t repent because of the sinful life they were leading. Modern-day profits share the prophecies they have received from angels, saints, and Our Lord. Fr. Jim Blout and Fr. Michel Rodrigue are two Catholic priests who receive prophetic messages. It is important to remember that prophecies are warnings and the events they warn us about can be changed if we comply with what is asked of us.

Recently there have been reports of noises coming from the sky and angelic images flying in the sky. God does work in signs. Could these be His signs?

Do not allow these prophecies to create fear and panic in you. We need to remain true to our faith. Pray, attend Mass, receive the Eucharist, and live the life we were created to live. We must respond to the Our Blessed Mother and do as she has asked. During her visits here she tells us that if we do what she asks, we can make up for the evil which has filled the cup. Remember, Mary’s Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

Below is a list of the many Marian Apparitions These are not in any particular order. These are links to Wikipedia and contain a short history

Our Lady of Good Health, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our_Lady_of_the_Miraculous_Medal, Our Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Fátima, Our Lady of the Good Event, Our Lady of Laus, Our Lady of Champion, Our Lady of Pontmain, Our Lady of Gietrzwałd, Our Lady of Good Health, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our_Lady_of_the_Miraculous_Medal, Our Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Fátima, Our Lady of the Good Event, Our Lady of Laus, Our Lady of Champion, Our Lady of Pontmain, Our Lady of Gietrzwałd,Our Lady of Good Health, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our_Lady_of_the_Miraculous_Medal, Our Lady of La Salette, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Fátima, Our Lady of the Good Event, Our Lady of Laus, Our Lady of Champion, Our Lady of Pontmain, Our Lady of Gietrzwałd, Our Lady of Tears, Our Lady of Beauraing, Our Lady of Banneux, Our Lady of Graces, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of Cuapa, Our Lady of Kibeho, Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolás, Mary, Virgin and Mother, Reconciler of All Peoples and Nations, Madonna of the Miracle, Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of Walsingham, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of the Watch, Our Lady of Good Health, Our Lady of Šiluva, Our Lady of La Vang, Our Lady of Pellevoisin, Our Lady of China, Our Lady of All Nations, Our Lady of Prayer, Rosa Mystica, Our Lady of Medjugorje, Our Lady of Soufanieh, Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal

God bless you.

The Challenges Of Our Faith Continue

Every day there seems to be another bomb dropped on the Catholic Church. The latest is the blessing of irregular unions by the clergy. What I find interesting is that people think that the Pope can change what Christ called sin into something that is not a sin. The Pope is Christ’s representative here on earth. He is not Christ. He can no more make sin no longer sin than he can create life from dust. 

What society forgets is that the church Christ founded on earth is not a democratic institution. We do not have the right to make changes according to the societal norms of the day or what the majority of its members want. This institution is 2000 years old and Christ was the founder. Luther disagreed with the church and the Reformation was born. There are now approximately 30,000 denominations of Protestantism. The Catholic church remains. 

What I find hard to understand is if you don’t like what the Catholic Church stands for why don’t you change churches? Being a Catholic means you follow the Catholic beliefs. 

I am encouraged that so many Bishops throughout the world are refusing to follow this decree. The bishops are giving the Holy Father correction by doing so. However, Pope Francis doesn’t seem to be listening. Priests are being canceled for not following this terrible practice. Many bishops here in the United States are remaining quiet. I think that It is because they are afraid that they will be canceled if they stand up to him like Bishop Strickland was canceled. 

So we must not become discouraged. We must not leave the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that Christ instituted on earth. When the Holy Father says something that goes against the teaching of Christ, we must pray for him. We must not become angry and leave the one true church. We must remain faithful to Christ, pray our Rosary daily as the Blessed Mother has asked us to do, and fast according to our physical ability. Will our future be difficult? I believe so. Will there be trials we will go through? Absolutely! Just remember, the world is our ship which will carry us to our home in heaven if we stay faithful to Christ and His Church.

God bless you.


Today there seems to be a lot of discussion about prophecies in our world. Christ, Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, other saints, and angels have been giving prophetic messages to many people today. The question as I see it is, should these prophetic messages be believed and are they authentic?

Firstly, throughout history, there has been divine revelation in the form of prophecy since the beginning of time. The Old Testament is full of Prophets with messages from God that foretell the coming of punishments if the evil ways of His people are not corrected. Often times God’s people did not heed His warnings and God’s people felt the wrath of His vengeance. There has also been a prophecy of the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ.

Before I go on though. I think it is important to note that God is a loving, merciful, and faithful God who expects and requires that His children will love, respect, and be faithful to His word. That is the reason that God does not just wield His justice without giving mortal fallen beings a warning that He will punish us if we do not show Him the love, respect, and obedience He is due. Prohphecy in its simplest sense is a warning of what will come “IF” we do not change our sinful ways.

Today there is so much wrong with our world. Sin abounds abundantly. So much of what man does today is against our Catholic Church’s teachings. We have weak leaders in the Church who no longer believe what Jesus taught when He walked the earth and founded His church over 2000 years ago. Leaders in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic church who want to change what sin is. To make it okay to engage in homosexual relationships and marriage. To bless these unions. How can this happen? God decides what sin is not man. Please don’t leave me messages about me being homophobic or a homo hater. I am neither. I love the sinner, not the sin. I have no idea what it is like walking in those shoes just as no one knows what walking in my shoes is like. We all have our crosses that is why Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow Him.

I am in no way saying that I do not love sinners as Christ taught us to love them. I am not saying that I don’t pray for their conversion from sin. I am not in any way saying that I am not sinless. Because I am a sinner and I know that I am. I, however, don’t expect that the Church as founded by Jesus Christ will change Doctrine so that I can continue to sin and still get into heaven.

Back to the point of this post. There is so much prophecy out there regarding the end of times, chastisements, reigns of peace, and heaven and hell. Some prophecies have come true, some have not. Do you wonder why some prophecies come true and some don’t? I believe that when we learn of the prophecies God also gives us a plan to mediate the outcomes. Such as changing the way we live, not committing so much sin, praying more fervently for reparation to The Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, attending Mass and the Sacraments, and so many other ways we can show God that we do love him and want to spend eternity with him.

This post was prompted by a discussion I read online regarding a prophet John Leary. The discussion involved a family of a deceased father and their mother, who were taken by Leary’s prophecies, and the family was having a hard time accepting her belief. I leave it up to you to choose to believe what he says or not. The validity of the prophecy is not my purpose here. I wish to just say that if what is revealed is not against the faith, and you are given information that is prudent and can be helpful in the future regarding our country and how we may have to change how we live, what is the harm?

One final note. With all prophecy comes the necessity of the Christian tradition of discernment. Discernment is a decision-making process that honors the place of God’s will in our lives. God will often speak to us through the wisdom of others so seek the wisdom of those you respect. Speak to God in solitude inviting Him into your decision-making. Examine all the facts you know before entering into the unknown. Always be honest with God about your deepest desires and fears about the situation. Allow God to speak to you. Pay special attention to feelings especially joy, love, and peace, and the thoughts and memories that come to mind. God speaks to us in these ways. Resolve to live God’s plan for you and pray to always do God’s will. Take some time before you make your decision then prayerfully commit.

God love you!

Is The Bible Wrong?

I am so upset that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is not correcting Fr. James Martin regarding his latest announcement that the Bible is wrong about homosexual behavior. I don’t understand why this priest is permitted to spread this heresy.

The Bible is the word of God. How can God be wrong? If the homosexual act was not a sin, we would have both sexual parts in our bodies. God in His infinite knowledge made man and woman different so that they would be fruitful and multiply.

I harbor no ill feelings against anyone who is homosexual and in those types of relationships. I love all of God’s creatures. I do, however, believe that acting on those feelings is sinful. Just as much as pride or sloth is sinful. God destroyed two cities because of this behavior. Where do you think the word sodomy comes from?

As a Catholic, I love the sinner and hate the sin. I would never mistreat anyone who has same-sex attraction. I would show them love and respect because they are God’s children. My daughter has several friends who were very good to her when she was 600 miles away from home going to college. I love these young men because they watched over my daughter. We had them for holiday dinners after we moved close to my daughter’s school and they have become like our children. I still visit with them when they visit my daughter and her husband. But as much as I love them, I can’t condone the lifestyle because I believe it is wrong. That being said, it is not my place to judge them, that is God’s place.

I believe we all have a cross to carry through our lives. Some people are blind, some are autistic, some are overweight, some are dependent on various substances, some are gay, some have been abused… We all have a cross and Jesus said “Pick up your cross and follow me.” He never said it would be easy. He never said that we would not stumble carrying our cross. After all, Jesus fell three times carrying His.

I think what has me most upset is that there is never a correction to the false teaching of this priest. The bishops are quiet about all of this. Is it any wonder why many are leaving the church? We are left wondering what has happened to the church.

God love you.

Saint of the Day February 4, 2023

Saint Joseph of Leonissa, (January 8, 1556 – February 4, 1612)

Joseph was born Eufranio Desiderio at Leonessa, a small town then in Umbria in the Kingdom of Naples. From a young age, he showed a remarkably religious inclination. After erecting little altars he would spend much time praying before them and often invited others to pray with him. Joseph drew attention for his energy and virtue even as a boy. He used to take the discipline on Fridays in company with the Confraternity of the Holy Savior.

He was educated by his uncle who had planned a suitable marriage for him but he fell ill at 16 and upon his recovery joined the Capuchin reform of the Franciscan Order making his novitiate at the friary of the Carcerelle near Assissi. Avoiding the safe compromises by which people sometimes undercut the gospel, Joseph denied himself hearty meals and comfortable quarters as he prepared for ordination and a life of preaching. “Brother Ass”, he would say to his body, “there is no need to feed thee as a noble horse would be fed: thou must be content to be a poor ass.”

In 1587 he was sent by the Minister General of his Order to Constantinople to minister to the Christians held captive there. Joseph and his companions lodged in the Galata district in a derelict house of Benedictine monks, actually the St. Benedict high school. The poverty in which the friars lived attracted the attention of the Turks, who went in numbers to see the new missionaries. He was very solicitous in ministering to the captive Christians in the galleys of the Ottoman Empire’s navy. Every day he went into the city to preach, and he was at length thrown into prison and only released at the intervention of the Venetian agent.

Urged on by zeal he at last sought to enter the palace to preach before Sultan Murad III and tried to convert Muslims, but he was seized and condemned to death. For three days he hung on the gallows, held up by two hooks driven through his right hand and foot; his legends state that he was then miraculously released by an angel.

When he returned to Italy, he took a Greek archbishop who had apostatized with him, and who was reconciled to the church on their arrival in Rome. Joseph took up the work of home missions in his native province, sometimes preaching six or seven times a day. In the Jubilee year of 1600, he gave the Lenten sermons at Otricoli, a town through which crowds of pilgrims passed on their way to Rome. Many of them being very poor, Joseph supplied them with food; and also washed their clothes and cut their hair. At Todi, he cultivated a garden for the poor.

Joseph died at Amatrice in 1612. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XIV in 1746. His feast day is kept on February 4, within the Franciscan Order. In his hometown, there is a church and sanctuary of San Giuseppe da Leonessa. The main street is named after him, the Corso San Giuseppe. Devotion to him is largely in central Italy; churches in OtricoliSan Lorenzo Nuovo, and Rivodutri contain paintings of him.

St. Joseph pray for us.

Where Are We Headed?

I am sure I am not alone in wondering where the Catholic Church is headed. It is distressing to me that the Church is in danger of adopting the ways of the modern world, embracing change to the truths that Jesus Christ gave us. How can man change what sin is?

Pope Francis seems to be on a steady course to create yet another denomination of Christianity or Protestantism. The changes he is determined to institute in the Church are evidence of it. He gives ambiguous answers during interviews instead of steadfastly proclaiming the truths of our faith. His Synod on Synodality is proving nothing more than evidence of it. If Christ wanted the laity to run our church, he would not have instituted the priesthood. If He wanted to have women ordained to the priesthood, he would have ordained one at the last supper. If He had wanted man to follow a life of sin, he would not have preached the difference between the wide road and the narrow gate.

Pope Francis is following in the footsteps of Martin Luther, his hero, just making changes where he sees fit. Noncatholic heretics are promoted by the Vatican when they issue stamps recognizing them. The art of a criminal cleric is celebrated by Pope Francis. Idols are placed on the altars. Oh, how God must weep at what is happening to His Church.

Homosexuality runs rampant in the clergy. There is no sin in the inclination to homosexuality, but in acting in it. Priests of the Catholic Church take a vow of celibacy, so why does the church continue to cover up this behavior by countless, priests, bishops, and cardinals? The Catholic church continues to protect the abusers. Pope Francis leads the way to this evil by leading the church away from these sins with his ambiguous behavior and comments.

I also find it interesting that Pope Francis blames all of this on our “dislike” of the Second Vatican Council. When in reality, many changed and misrepresented what the council fathers adopted. Many of the changes implemented were never approved. I was brought up with the Latin mass. I loved it. I went to mass every day before starting my school day. I attended a beautiful church with frescoed ceilings, marble columns, and three beautiful altars beyond an altar rail. You knew you were in a place of worship as soon as you walked in. No one was speaking out loud, There was a peaceful silence conducive to prayer. What I wound up with was a modern angled-faced Jesus hanging on the cross post-Vatican ll. The building was cold, sparse, and lacked the beauty the church was rooted in.

The bishops here in the United States have their every need taken care of for them by the members of their dioceses. They eat better, live better, and get paid better than most of the faithful that financially support them with their donations in the collection baskets at church on Sunday. They are our Shepherds. Their only job is to help us get into heaven. Become saints. Stay true to the teaching of Jesus Christ.

I find it appalling that it is so seldom that the bishops speak out against pornography, homosexuality, and abortion, but only want to support lawless immigration and homosexuality. But then, what the bishops are silent about is what our government wants, So much for our eternal souls. Good priests are laicized, or forbidden to continue their missions. The bishops have become little Hitler’s using an iron fist to control them. Since when is it a crime to preach from the pulpit about sin? Or what the church teaches? But these bishops control their narrative by silencing these good priests.

I love my faith. I would not, could not belong to another. I believe in its truths. I can tell you that my faith has been damaged over the past few years. The bishops closing our churches and keeping the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ from me was awful. I have been faltering trying to reconcile it all. As it is the availability of attending Mass is so limited that many weeks it is difficult for me to get there, and having it completely taken away from me for so long hurt.

I am working hard to get back. I have much to let go of. I know in my heart and my mind that the church will prevail and it will become what Christ created it to be.

God bless!

Say a prayer for me and I will say a prayer for you.

St. Michael the Archangel Novena

Pray More Novenas will begin this novena to St. Michael on January 26, 2023. You can sign up for the prayers and reminders at Pray More Novenas here. 

Join us as we pray this powerful novena. In Matt 18:21, Jesus says,” For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” We will be together spiritually in prayer thanks to this ministry. As we pray for our intentions, we also pray for your intentions. That is why John-Paul and Annie have this ministry. The reminders keep us on track.

We often forget to pray one of the day’s prayers during our novena. That is why belonging to Pray More Novenas is such a blessing. We will get a reminder with the prayers for that day in our email. 

God bless!

A Wonderful Prayer Source

Several years ago I came across a wonderful site to help me with my prayer life, more specifically to keep me on track while I was making a novena. It is called Pray More Novenas. This is a ministry hosted by John-Paul and Annie Deddens. It has grown over the years and now lists the prayers for over 300 Novenas.

You sign up for emails to be reminded when a particular novena begins and you receive daily emails of the prayers to be said throughout the novena.

Novena is an ancient devotion that consists of 9 days of prayer. Novenas are often prayed in preparation for a feast day or for a specific intention.

If you sign up for our novena reminders, we will send the right prayers to your inbox each day so you don’t miss praying! Hundreds of thousands of people have benefited from these reminders. Joining will help you feel the power of praying (about one novena a month) with people around the world!

Below is a list of all the novenas that are available on – we are constantly adding more novenas so be sure to join the email list above! You can sign up to do one of the novenas below by clicking on it or you can sign up to pray together with thousands of other people: sign up here!

Read more at:

The Communion Of Saints

In the Catholic Church the Communion of Saints consists of the church on earth, the church in purgatory and the church in heaven, which is the Body of Christ. That is the simplest way to explain it. We are all united in and through Christ with each other and we are also united with those who have gone to their reward whether in purgatory preparing to enter heaven, or in heaven.

For some reason this concept is hard for many non Catholics to understand. Many don’t believe in Purgatory as Jesus was crucified for our redemption. What is necessary to understand is for us to enter into the presence of God, our soul needs to be cleansed. We owe God our just punishment. Our sins are forgiven but the debt we owe must be paid. Also, they don’t understand the concept of asking the saints to assist us with our needs here on earth since Jesus has already paved the way to our salvation. And the greatest saint of all, Mary the mother of Jesus, is our best and most gracious intercessor with her son.

While praying, asking one of the saints to help us is not putting the saint above Jesus. It is asking that saint who has already achieved the perfection to be in the presence of God, to also ask God to grant our petition if it is indeed His will for us. Evidence has proven that devotion, not worship, of the saints is beneficial to the church on earth. Everyone who is in heaven is a saint. Some have been canonized. by the Catholic church so we know that they are indeed saints. All the other saints in heaven are not known to us as but will be when we achieve the beatific vision.

Of course the intercession of a saint is a valuable asset to us, but our focus in prayer is always to God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. For that is what our faith teaches us. Saints are not worshiped, only God is worshiped.

I am devoted to many saints. My namesake is Mary in the form of Marie. There is no saint Wanda that I know of. So I have always gone to Mary for support in my spiritual journey. I took the name Therese for confirmation so St. Therese of Lisieux is another saint I am devoted to. When I attended grade school I learned about the saint my parish was named after. St, Michael the Archangel was our patron and I developed a devotion to him. I attended another grade school after moving and the patron there was St. Francis off Assisi. I also have a devotion to him. Over the years I have had devotions to other saints. St. Agatha the patron of nurses, Saint Rose of Lima the patron saint of quilters. One of my very favorite saints is St. Anthony. He is the patron saint for lost things. I must ask for his help every day. And when I calm down after looking frantically for my keys or my phone and say the little prayer: Dear St. Anthony please come around, something is lost and cannot be found. I find what I have misplaced. Now as I said, the prayer is not worshipping St. Anthony, it is just asking him to help me.

We are so fortunate to be a part of Communion of Saints which gives us spiritual support on our journey through life.

Finally Home

After a very long time I finally have this blog migrated over to my main account. Needless to say I have already deleted the other account. I sure don’t want that to happen again.

So our beloved Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has gone to meet our Lord. I pray for his immortal soul. I find it very unsettling that so many have chosen to blame him for all of the ills of the church now that he has died. So many rumors are circulating about his blame for the scandals in the church. I wish people would put as much energy into their prayers for the church as they do assigning blame.

My prayers for this year, 2023, are for our Holy Father that he is blessed with a conversion so that he leads Christ’s church back to Our Lord’s loving arms and he reaffirms the dogmas of His church.

God bless you.
